Alternativ tittel: OUR GRIP ON THE HUNS : Cherry Kearton War Series [series]
IN EAST AFRICA [Alternative]
År: 1916
Lengde: 10 mins
Beskrivelse: Soldiers of the King's African Rifles patrolling into the bush, supplied by light canoes bringing equipment up to the frontier outposts. The 25th Battalion, the Royal Fusiliers, better known as 'The Frontiersmen' or 'Driscoll's Scouts', moving up country and encamping. Wheeled mortars being cast and scratch-built from molten metal, and later test fired. A horse being camouflaged using potassium permanganate to darken its coat. An aeroplane, a Caudron GIII (captioned as belonging to the RFC, but in fact part of Royal Naval Air Service No 4 Expeditionary Squadron under the command of Squadron Commander J T Cull - note presence of RNAS ground crew), taking off, in flight and landing, probably at Maktau, Taita Hills in background. African scouts stalking on patrol. The Frontiersmen acting out the drill for a night alarm. A 4.7-inch coastal defence gun mounted on a field carriage being fired.
The British campaign in German East Africa, late 1915 to early 1916.
Nøkkelord: EFG1914 / World War I / British Army, King's African Rifles / British Army, Royal Fusiliers, Bn 25 / Royal Navy, Royal Naval Air Service & Sqdn 4 / operations, British military - movement: march / weapons, British - mortar: (improvised) / industry, British - guns: mortars & [+] / animals, mammals: horse / equipment, British - camouflage: potassium permanganate / aircraft, French - combat: Caudron GIII & [British] (?) / weapons, British - gun: 4.7-inch naval gun (carriage mounted) / training, British military - combat / 01/3(676) / German East Africa / Race / jungle / night
Leverandør: Imperial War Museums
Rettigheter: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produksjonsselskap: Academy Moving Picture Bureau
Farge: Black & White
Sound: Without sound